BUDVA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized the first Capacity Building Training for Young Journalists from Montenegro. The training is taking place in Budva, from 6-9 December 2022, bringing together 17 representatives of media from different parts of Montenegro. The key goal of the training is mirrored in strengthening the skills and capacities of young journalists in the field of Intercultural dialogue and professional standards in reporting.
The event was opened by the Ambassador Dominique Waag, Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and Programme Officer of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, Ms Bojana Lalatović. Ambassador Dominique Waag welcomed the participants on behalf of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro while emphasising the importance of this training and support the Mission provides to RYCO in fostering reconciliation processes in the region.
“During this Training, young journalists will have a chance to learn about the basic principles of professional reporting, intercultural dialogue, media literacy, prejudices and stereotypes, etc. Thereby, it is crucial to understand the thin line between freedom of speech and hate speech, and journalists are real promoters of reconciliation and democratic values as well as ethical reporting and professional journalism“, highlighted Ambassador Waag.
Ms. Lalatović welcomed the participants of the Capacity Building Training for Young Journalists, which the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, organizes in cooperation and with the support of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro. She highlighted that “strengthening the professional standards in media reporting is one of the main training priorities, having in mind the key role media plays in building and promoting sustainable and inclusive peace”.
“This training is of great importance for improving the capacity of journalists to create quality media content particularly when reporting on socially sensitive topics” Ms. Lalatović concluded.