By the close of 2023, RYCO is embarking on the regional expansion of its acclaimed 'Peace Broadcasters' program, building upon the program's success over the past two years in Kosovo. The program's core mission is to empower and enrich the professional capabilities of journalists, recognizing their pivotal role in advancing peace-building efforts. This multifaceted program will unfold in two distinct phases. Firstly, the participants will undergo capacity-building training where they will be exposed to topics such as intercultural dialogue, dealing with the past, and transitional journalism, and then the second phase will see them mentored by industry experts delving into subjects like reporting about conflicts in the region, contested monuments from the past, cohabitation between different communities, etc. This groundbreaking program is a collaborative effort with Deutsche Welle, aligning our commitment to peace journalism on a regional scale.
RISE Expedition Begins Journey in the Region
Western Balkans - In celebration of the regional approach of the RISE project, the RISE Expedition just started its journey...
Western Balkans – December, marked the successful completion of the regional and local activities in the framework of EU-WB-SI project implementation....
Join RISE Journey - Call for Application is now OPEN!
WESTERN BALKANS - The six Local Incubators based in the Western Balkans are looking for young people from 18 to...
RYCO and Superschools Delegation Participate in Berlin Process Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on the Western Balkans
GERMANY/WESTERN BALKANS – RYCO Secretary General Mr. Albert Hani and Superschools Delegation participated in the Foreign Ministers Meeting held within...
RYCO Superschool from Sarajevo part of the regional high level GIZ visit
SARAJEVO - On 11th of October 2022, Regional Youth Cooperation Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized a visit to the...
Regional Workshop implemented between EESTEC organizations in the framework of the EUWBSI project
Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina – In the framework of the EU Western Balkan Students Integration project, the Electrical Engineering STudents'...
Now OPEN! Second Open Call of the Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme “Superschools”
WESTERN BALKANS – Applications for the RYCO Superschools Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme are now open! RYCO will support 100...
Regional RISE Forum 2022
TIRANA - The Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (RISE) project, supported by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the...
EU-WB-SI Summer Camp brought together 6 student networks from WB6
Budva, Montenegro – The EU Western Balkan Students Integration Summer Camp, a 3-day event consisting of workshops and training sessions,...