RYCOnnecting You(th)
Designed for: CSOs in the Western Balkans that work with youth.
Implemented by: The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)
Financed by: The call is financed by RYCO, with a total financial envelope of EUR 300,000 .
Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) has launched a new Open Call for project proposals for CSO, called „RYCOnnecting You(th)“. This is the sixth time that RYCO is organizing Open Call for CSOs in the region, in the last eight years.
RYCOnnecting You(th) Open Call has two main thematic areas: Peacebuilding and Reconciliation and Youth empowerment and engagement in society. The general objective is to support the civil society in the Western Balkans to foster reconciliation, peacebuilding, regional cooperation, and intercultural learning by providing young people with opportunities that create space for dialogue, mutual learning, and increased understanding across the region.
The overall financial envelope for this call is EUR 300.000, while the size of grants is between a minimum of EUR 15.000 and a maximum of EUR 30.000. Right to apply to have non-profit-making CSOs, established in the Western Balkans 6 (WB6): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, a minimum of one year prior to the launch of this call for proposals.
RYCO recognizes the added value of collaborators that can support the partnership to further reach the goals and outcomes of their projects, so CSO can associate with the following collaborators from the WB6: cultural institutions (private and public), sports associations, and organizations in the field of sports, trade unions, educational institutions such as universities and institutes (public and private), Youth informal groups with a proven track record of working with and for young people.
The deadline for submission of applications is 20 November 2024 More information about the RYCOnnecting You(th) Open Call are available on the website www.rycowb.org.
The RYCO is the only intergovernmental organization dealing with peacebuilding, reconciliation, and cooperation in the region through youth exchange programs. It was established by the WB6 governments in July 2016 within the Berlin Process. RYCO’s program focuses on creating opportunities for young people to engage in activities that build mutual understanding and reconciliation in the civic, social, educational, cultural, and sports domains. RYCO initiates and participates in policy-making and advocates for reform. It supports the development of a political and social environment that empowers and facilitates youth exchange.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.