WESTERN BALKANS – The Youth Entrepreneurial Service Foundation (YES Foundation) from North Macedonia in partnership with the Innovation Centre Banja Luka from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Fondacija Biznis Start-up Centar Bar from Montenegro, and with the support of RYCO and the European Union, invite you to participate in an online regional conference titled “Resilient entrepreneurship and recovery from Covid-19 in the Western Balkan” taking place on 21 October.
The conference aims to identify and analyze the main impacts of COVID-19 on entrepreneurs in the Western Balkans, their reactions, as well as the support they have received to face the current situation. Discussions will provide an opportunity for an intermediate impact assessment of the disruption, would help to identify a set of priority policies and measures for immediate basic re-opening measures for small business-owners, in order to facilitate resurgence, and also develop a longer-term social and economic recovery strategy where entrepreneurship plays a central role in leaving no one behind.
Date: 21 October 2021
Time: 10 am (CET)
Location: Online
Target audience: The event is open to all and is targeting all entrepreneurship stakeholders, with a particular focus on the following groups: public sector officials, representatives from the private sector and academia, civil society representatives and all interested individuals.
To participate in the conference register by clicking in the button below:
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