Dear Applicants, we would like to express our gratitude towards all of you who have shown the interest and efforts to take part in the first RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals. Since this Call for Proposals was the first of its kind for RYCO, we want to inform you that our team has done its best to tailor our guidelines and set the priorities and objectives of the Call in a way that will reflect the purpose and mission of RYCO.
During the call we received 421 project proposals which networked more than 1300 organizations from the Western Balkans. This encourages us to believe that it is absolutely clear that youth cooperation and youth exchange programs are needed in our region. Therefore, we want to encourage all of you to keep on working in these fields, bring the young people of the region closer and make the Western Balkans better for all of us.
Unfortunately, the limited financial resources for the first grant scheme of RYCO caused the fact that we regretfully had to decline many commendable applications. The overall financial envelope available for this Call was only 900.000€. The average budget of the best ranked project proposals was 25.400,63€. This is, unfortunately, why we will be able to finance only less than 10% of all the received applications.
Moreover, we want to stay in touch with you. Thus, we invite you, if you have not done it so far, to follow our official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram accounts and subscribe to our mailing list, where you will be able to find all relevant information about our next open call which will be launched in the second half of the year.
Please find bellow the preliminary list of the 35 best evaluated project proposals. The final list of the supported projects will be published upon the completion of the final documentation check and the budget clearance procedures. The final list of the granted project proposals will contain data on the score and partners of the supported applicants.