RYCO in Albania Discusses Importance of Scientific Research for Youth Empowerment

TIRANA  – RYCO Local Program Officer Ms Flutura Brakaj took part in the  “Information Forum on Projects and Scientific Research” organized by the University of Sports of Tirana  on 1 November 2021. Organized for the first time, the forum invited important actors and stakeholders from various institutions, national and international organizations that support the financing of scientific research as well as students, researchers and academic staff.

The main purpose of this forum was to bring together institutions and organizations working in the field of Youth, Sports, Tourism, Higher Education, Health, Technology, and Sustainable Development. During the second panel dedicated to students and researchers, the participants were introduced to programs, projects, and activities, in which they can be involved and engage themselves in the above areas.

Ms Brakaj presented the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) and introduced the students to the current programs and projects that RYCO is implementing and supporting. 

Among other things, she introduced the program ROUTE WB6, RISE as well as the current call of the MIRAI Exchange Program: “Western Balkans meet Japan”. Ms Brakaj stressed once again the importance of involvement in non-formal education programs and initiatives, as a way that brings benefits in the development of personal and professional skills of young people.

She encouraged young people that regardless of the field or discipline they have chosen to study in their respective universities, when exploring the nowadays labor market and job trends, they are advised to constantly pursue networking opportunities with other young people and other interest groups, possibilities that equip them with new skills as well as knowledge, and events aiming to promote social, cultural, political, community or regional topics.

She concluded her presentation by inviting youth to proactively follow the opportunities and open calls that RYCO offers for youth in the region and invited them to engage themselves in youth activism and empowerment, volunteerism, entrepreneurship, and many more fields of their interest. 

The students in the forum were also presented with other opportunities such as from Erasmus+, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), AUF (The Francophone University Agency), Tirana Municipality, Special Olympics, and Albanian Federation of University Sports. 


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