Davor Džakula

Local Program Officer, Belgrade

Mr. Davor Džakula holds an MA degree in Democracy and Human Rights obtained on a dual program organized by the University of Sarajevo and the University of Bologna. In addition, he holds a BSc degree in Geography and Geoinformatics from the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad.

His interest and involvement in the civil sector and youth rights date back to 2013, where he has been working in non-governmental organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia until today. Through volunteering and working at the Red Cross, EKOS, and the Youth Office in Šabac, he actively participated in the implementation of projects focused on youth rights, the right to a healthy environment, and the promotion of volunteerism. While working in the Youth Office, he was part of the organizational team for seminars and summer schools that were formed with the aim of encouraging young people to be active citizens as well as their extra-academic education and training. During his studies in Sarajevo, he was a part of the fellowship of the Humanity in Action Bosnia and Herzegovina organization entitled Encouraging Democratic Values and Active Citizenship Among Youth, whose ultimate goal was the development of projects for young people and the general acquisition of the necessary knowledge in developing and managing projects, about the state system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially in the sphere of legal frameworks related to youth rights.

In addition, he participated in numerous seminars in Serbia and abroad regarding peace building, development and education of young people, and the development of cooperation and joint projects among mostly young people from the Western Balkan region. During both levels of study, he attended summer schools and seminars organized as part of the CEEPUS and ERASMUS networks, which were thematically related to regional development (CEEPUS summer school in Brno, Czechia) and peace building (ERASMUS seminar in Tromso, Norway), as well as student exchange, also through the ERASMUS program, at the Palacky University in Olomouc (Czechia).

Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 09h - 17h