PODGORICA – In preparation for the second Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) Call for Proposals, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro will, together with RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, organize three-day training for the potential applicants in order to develop their capacities for applying at the Open Call. The selection will be conducted through an open call that will be placed on-line by RYCO Local Branch Office. The training programme (the content and methodology) for the three-day training will be developed by the two selected local experts, in co-operation with RYCO and the OSCE Mission. The consultancy will cover 5 working days for each consultant.
The OSCE recognizes the important role and contribution that youth can have for the constructive development of the country. The OSCE’s commitments to promote the role and the inclusion of youth dates back to its founding document, the Helsinki Final Act, and has been strengthened through many subsequent OSCE decisions. In recognizing the important role of youth and to further strengthen the regional reconciliation process, in 2018 the Mission continued to provide its support to RYCO Local Branch Office and to the Directorate for Youth.
In order to facilitate the RYCO Call for Proposals and make sure that the application process results in sufficient number of successful applicants, the OSCE Mission will, together with RYCO Local Branch Office, organize a capacity building training for potential applicants. The training will focus on application process, gaining knowledge and skills on organizing intercultural exchanges, as well as introducing potential applicants with possibilities that RYCO offers. Methods and techniques used during the training will be: workshops, presentations, simultaneous individual activity, case studies, role plays, mini lectures, group discussions, individual and group presentations, working in pairs, work in small size groups and receiving/giving feedback.
The Democratization Programme therefore invites applications from highly qualified, energetic and experienced national professional for the temporary consultancy post of National Expert on CB Training for RYCO who would be tasked, together with RYCO Local Branch Office, organize three-day training for the potential applicants in order to develop their capacities for applying at the Open Call.