WESTERN BALKANS – The eleventh meeting of the RYCO Governing Board took place online on Wednesday, 23 December 2020. The meeting discussed the organization’s plans and activities in 2021, opportunities for cooperation with credible partners in the region and beyond, projects to be financed within RYCO 4th Open Call, recruitment process for the new Secretary General and many other relevant topics.
The meeting’s participants were welcomed by Director of Agency of Youth and Sport in North Macedonia and Chair of the RYCO Governing Board Mr Naumce Mojsovski and Youth Representative of North Macedonia in the RYCO Governing Board and Co-Chair of the RYCO Governing Board Mr Vladimir Gjorgjevski. They both underlined that the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was and is still causing major obstacles for the regional youth mobility and cooperation and commended the work of the RYCO Secretariat for finding new ways of promoting and contributing to regional youth cooperation under given circumstances. Moreover, they pointed out the need for a stronger involvement of young people in decision-making processes.
RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša thanked the representatives of North Macedonia for their successful Chairmanship over the RYCO Governing Board during 2020 and reassured the RYCO Governing Board members that the organization will keep finding the ways for bringing the youth of the Western Balkans closer together, despite all the challenges. He also thanked OSCE Mission in North Macedonia for their valuable support in organizing this and previous meeting of the Governing Board.
The meeting concluded with the announcement of the chairmanship of Montenegro over the RYCO Governing Board in 2021.
RYCO’s unique governance system brings together government and civil society representatives to ensure young people are represented at all levels within the organisation.
The RYCO Governing Board is the organization’s highest decision-making authority. It is composed of two representatives from each Contracting Party: one government representative in direct charge of youth policy, and one youth representative. The youth representatives are no younger than 18, and no older than 30 years of age at the start of their mandate. They serve a mandate of three years, with no possibility of extension. Each Contracting Party selects a youth representative using its mechanisms in a transparent, inclusive and democratic manner and close cooperation with civil society dealing with youth. Decisions of the Governing Board are taken by consensus.