SOFIA – The EU-Western Balkans summit took place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 17 May 2018. EU leaders agreed on the Sofia declaration, with which the Western Balkans partners have aligned themselves. The Declaration puts a special focus on youth in the region.
The Declaration reads, in its eight point, that a special emphasis will be put toward creating further opportunities for the youth, while ensuring that this contributes to the socio-economic development of the Western Balkans.
Moreover, the leaders agreed, in the Annex to the Declaration, that one of the priority areas is “Supporting socio-economic development and putting a special focus on youth” within is said they will aim to expand the scope and reach of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office, and introduce an intra-regional mobility scheme.
Finally, they agreed to double Erasmus+ funding for the region, including establishment of a “Western Balkans Youth Lab” in 2018, providing space for innovative policy-making addressing the needs of young people, and tackling brain drain.
Read the full declaration by clicking here.
Photo: © European Union, 2018 / Source: EC – Audiovisual Service