TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General, Mr Đuro Blanuša and Mr Fatos Mustafa, met on Thursday with German Member of Parliament Mr Manuel Sarrazin (Alliance 90/The Greens) and German Ambassador to Albania Ms Susanne Schütz. They discussed the RYCO achievements since it became operational last year, but also the continuation of the support of the German institutions.
Mr Blanuša presented the process of the establishment of RYCO and our key activities in the last year, but also thanked for the continuous support provided by the Federal Government of Germany to RYCO. On the other hand, Mr Mustafa presented the results of the First RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals and highlighted the need for a bigger financial support to RYCO as civil society organizations and schools are ready to work on bringing the youth from the region together, as shown by the number of the received applications.
Mr Sarrazin pointed out that the work of RYCO is impressive and highly important for the Western Balkans and praised the energy and efforts that RYCO puts in the reconciliation process in the region. Moreover, he agreed with the RYCO representatives that we should work together on creating a better region for all of its citizens.