TIRANA – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) organized the first Kick-Off meeting for the EU Western Balkan Students Integration (EU-WB-SI) Project on Tuesday, 21 st June 2022. The meeting brought together the six newly created student networks composed of the leading organizations and their partners across WB6. The selected students’ teams that will support the implementation of the EU-WB-SI Project are Erasmus Student Network (ESN), United Nations Association (UNA), International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), Electrical Engineering Students' European Association (EESTEC), International Association of Students in Economics and Business (AIESEC) and The European Law Students' Association (ELSA).
The event was opened by the Project Coordinator of the EU-WB-SI Project Ms. Megi Ruka who shared a general overview of the project and its implementation. “I am very delighted to have received such positive feedback from all the students present in our regional info sessions. Ms. Ruka underlined and added that through mechanisms like the EU-WB-SI project, students across all region will have the chance to exchange and generate new ideas as a peer-to-peer experience.
“It’s a great pleasure to support youth-driven projects like this one because the outcome of new friendships and new collaborations among students across the region is the greatest win of our daily work” stated Mr. Jan Zlatan Kulenović, Director of Programs in RYCO.
The meeting served as a space for the six Students Teams under the EU umbrella organization to present their project idea and their team to other peers from the region. At the same time, they were informed about upcoming project activities such as the Summer Camp organized in mid-July in Montenegro, other local events including workshops, student sessions, and the finalization of the project at the Final Conference in Tirana.
On the project
RYCO is implementing the project “EU – Western Balkan – Student Integration (EU-WB-SI!)”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The project’s aim is to support the integration of WB6 students into the European Union Programs through the creation and development of branches of famous European students’ organizations in the Western Balkan Contracting Parties. This project will support six networks throughout the region, each network will be composed of six student organizations with an overall amount of 36 student organizations from the WB6.