RYCO and Parliament of Montenegro Forge Path for Youth Empowerment and Regional Cooperation

PODGORICA – Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro Mr. Edin Koljenović met with Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Boris Pejović on Friday in Podgorica. The goal of the meeting was to present the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) achievements since its establishment within the Berlin Process and to discuss possibilities for future cooperation between RYCO and the Parliament of Montenegro, especially in light of common priorities in terms of improving the position of youth in Montenegro and designing initiatives aimed at fostering further involvement of Parliament with a goal to  create an enabling environment for youth, both at national and regional levels.

One of the main conclusions of the meeting was that RYCO, in cooperation with the Parliament of Montenegro, can set an example of effective and genuine advocacy for youth causes and representation of youth interests in decision-making processes. This collaboration could also lead to further cooperation across the wider regional context, helping to create a more favorable environment for youth development.

On that note, due to its specific structure, RYCO serves as an excellent mechanism for enhancing regional cooperation and supporting European integration processes. Through the involvement of parliamentary structures, these processes can gain better momentum and set an example for intensifying cooperation across the region.

Mr. Koljenović highlighted that in the past few years, RYCO has achieved many tangible results by diligently working on building a more enabling environment for young people to engage in activities that strengthen mutual understanding and reconciliation throughout the region. He added that besides implementing regional grant schemes, the Local Branch Office in Montenegro has been devoted to building partnerships with important national and international stakeholders at the local level. Mr. Koljenović also pointed out a number of good practices and initiatives started by the Local Branch Office that could be applied at the regional level. He particularly emphasized that he sees the possibility for synergies and the involvement of RYCO and the WB6 parliaments to achieve better results in youth cooperation and youth policy in the Western Balkans region.

Mr. Pejović reaffirmed that the Parliament of Montenegro is dedicated to improving youth policies in Montenegro and is supportive of all initiatives aimed at intensifying cooperation and strengthening the position of youth in the region. He emphasized the importance of Montenegro piloting cooperation between RYCO and representatives of Parliament of Montenegro, highlighting the opportunity for Montenegro to send a strong message of cooperation and good neighborly relations through its work and investment in young people in the upcoming period.


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