Dear Applicants,
We would like to express our gratitude towards all of you who have shown the interest and made efforts to take part in the third RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals. The Call was built upon the results and experiences of the first two RYCO open calls from 2017 and 2018 and dedicated to the secondary school exchanges.
This time, we received 100 project proposals which networked 211 secondary schools and CSOs from the Western Balkans. This encourages us to believe that there is a real potential among the secondary schools and educational institutions to make a real change in the region. Moreover, we believe that the need for regional youth cooperation, mobility and exchange as well as for creating an enabling environment for regional youth cooperation is evident in the region. Therefore, we want to encourage all of you to keep on working in these fields, bringing the young people of the region closer together and making the Western Balkans better for all of us.
Moreover, we want to stay in touch with you. Thus, we invite you if you have not done it so far to follow our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts and subscribe to our mailing list, where you will be able to find all relevant information about our next open calls, but also the latest news from RYCO.
Please find bellow the preliminary list of the 20 best evaluated project proposals. The final list of the supported projects will be published upon the completion of the final documentation check and the budget clearance procedures. The final list of the granted project proposals will contain data on the scores and partners of the supported applicants.
Finally, we are thankful to the Federal Republic of Germany, the supporter of the third RYCO Open Call.
Third Open Call Preliminary List
Ever yours,