RYCO Takes Part in EU-CoE Youth Partnership Activities

BRUSSSELS – Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth organized a consultative meeting and info session for their partner organizations/institutions in Brussels on 10 – 11 December. It was an occasion to reflect on the activities organized in 2018, exchange information and identify room for synergies in implementation of the activities planned for 2019.

RYCO cooperated with the Partnership through participation in Steering Group of European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM) during 2018. EPLM focuses on the learning mobility of young people and of practitioners in the youth field, and particularly in various forms of youth work. The members of the Steering Group represent a wide variety of stakeholders, programs and formats in the field of learning mobility, a balanced mixture of the respective fields of work and a regional diversity within Europe. The Steering Group consists of researchers, policy makers and practitioners. All these include young people’s representatives and youth NGO’s – including the European Youth Forum, policy makers from the European institutions, national youth ministries and regional, local entities, universities and institutes researchers, national agencies of the Erasmus+ program, the trainers community, youth work practitioners and youth workers, youth information services, social work and employment/vocational education, and training sectors.

RYCO Program Officer Ms Bojana Bulatović participated in the seminar on youth work and its relevance for youth policy in South-East Europe organized by  EU-CoE youth partnership together with the Office for Youth of Slovenia, in Ljubljana, Slovenia in November 2018. The peer learning seminar #SeeYouthWork gathered more than 50 participants from all the region met to discuss on how to make youth work stronger and more supported at all levels, and how to meet its needs by terms of policy and research. On this occasion, we presented RYCO key achievements, announced the second Open Call for Project Proposals and discussed how youth work can be enhanced through actions taken at regional level.

The Partnership has been implementing diverse programs to support the youth sector for 20 years. Useful resources that they produced for policy makers, researchers and practitioners in the field of youth can be found on their website, Facebook page and the Youtube channel.


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