WESTERN BALKANS – The 2019 Winter EYOF will take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Olympic host city Sarajevo & East Sarajevo. The event will take place from 9 to 16 February 2019. It is a meeting point for young athletes from 50 European countries and the leading multisport event for young European athletes between the ages of 14 and 18. The EYOF is also a great opportunity for 1.000+ young volunteers to gain experience with organizing a big event, develop their work skills and meet people from other European countries.
In cooperation with EYOF and with support of the French Embassy in BH, Social Innovation Incubator MUNJA and Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) are organizing special YOUNG PR TEAM from the Western Balkans that will attend EYOF and through their eyes tell the story about European youth event, youth intercultural cooperation and peacebuilding. EYOF is organized by two nearby towns Sarajevo and East Sarajevo and that is already symbol of postwar cooperation and steps forward for the joint future. Young PR team from WB will be official partner of EYOF volunteers team and will produce different daily stories, videos, social media info and in the end will present their work and produced material.
There will be 18 youth participants who will form Young PR team who should fit to the following criteria:
- Residents of Albania, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia (participants from BosniaHerzegovina will be selected from already volunteers team);
- Age 18-25;
- Motivated to take part in full project and to contribute in team work on production of info material;
- Experienced in outreach activities such as: video editing, blogging, vlogging, social media, graphic design, art, creative work or similar activities
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence