SG Hani on 9th European Congress of Local Governments in Poland: Modernization of political system needed in order to provide structural solutions for youth engagement

Poland – With a Sense of Social Responsibility- Growing Activity Among Youth was a topic of a panel discussion in which RYCO Secretary General, Albert Hani, took a part today, within 9th European Congress of Local Governments that is taking place in Mikołajki city in Poland.

During his speech, SG discussed Youth Civic and Political engagement, emphasizing that the current generation of youth exhibits remarkable traits such as outspokenness, open-mindedness, analytical thinking, and critical evaluation.

“Consequently, traditional youth engagement strategies are no longer effective. It is imperative that we modernize the political system to provide structural and institutional solutions that facilitate youth engagement, rather than merely relying on their participation during times of crisis”, stated SG Hani.

This panel discussion, moderated by Julia Draminska from University of Warsaw, gathered together prominent experts from various institutions and civic and youth organizations. Besides the topic of youth engagement, 9th European Congress of Local Governments touched upon various other topics, such as sustainable development, culture and education, green energy, politics and security, international cooperation, and many others.

Event served as opportunity to exchange opinions and present endeavors that RYCO has been taking in the past seven years to provide opportunities to young people from Western Balkans region and facilitate their meaningful participation in decision-making processes.


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