Statement of RYCO Secretariat on 9th Governing Board Meeting

TIRANA – After the 9th RYCO Governing Board meeting was cancelled in Pristina today due to the lack of quorum, RYCO invites the six governments of the Western Balkans to restrain from any actions that may harm decision-making processes and regional cooperation. We strongly believe that regional cooperation can only be built by fostering and exercising dialogue and understanding. In this respect, RYCO reiterates that involvement of young people in decision-making processes should be free from political influences that prevent them from exercising their roles.

RYCO Secretariat stays committed to fostering good and friendly relations among its six Contracting Parties and will continue supporting young people and reconciliation processes in the region.

Photo: Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Kosovo*


*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

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