Marija Bulat

Head of Local Branch Office, Belgrade

Ms Bulat holds BA in International Relations and MA in Project Management. Youth policy and youth empowerment are the focus of her work. Her civic engagement started in 1996 with Scouts. Since then, she has been volunteering, through which she has experienced how personal commitment can make social change.

Ms Bulat participated in the establishment of the National Youth Council of Serbia, going on to take up a leadership role as its Secretary General (2012 – 2017). She also worked as a consultant providing support in developing strategies, action plans and projects, providing training in organisational management, youth participation and intercultural learning in Serbia and abroad. She has been contracted by UN agencies, OSCE, Council of Europe, governmental institutions and various CSOs.

She was a member of the Working Group for the establishment of RYCO.

Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 09h - 17h

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