BUDVA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized Capacity Building Training for representatives of civil society organizations from Montenegro.
The training aimed to strengthen the skills and capacities of less experienced civil society organizations’ representatives in project design in the areas of youth mobility, cooperation, activism and intercultural learning
The training took place in Budva, from 8 to 11 November 2022, and brought together 22 representatives of the civil society sector from different parts of Montenegro. They got the opportunity to work on developing universal elements of the project application and become familiar with the concepts of intercultural learning, reconciliation, youth participation, and social inclusion, as well as the possibilities of creating regional partnerships.
The training was opened by the Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, Mr. Edin Koljenović, and Ms.Ana Krušić, Senior Associate on the Democratization program of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro.
Mr. Koljenović welcomed the participants of the Capacity Building Training, which the Local Branch Office (RYCO) in Montenegro, already traditionally organizes in cooperation and with the support of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro.
“This has become a traditional training that we are organizing, and more than a hundred representatives of NGOs from Montenegro have taken part in it. The best indicator of the success of the training are participants themselves who were, positively evaluated in the context of our grants that are awarded through the RYCO open calls for project proposals”, said Mr. Koljenovic.
Mr. Koljenović emphasized that he is glad to see the great interest in training and, therefore, the recognition and purpose of their work so far. He reminded that RYCO is an independent institutional mechanism established by the six contracting parties of the Western Balkans, in order to promote the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation among young people in the region, through youth exchange programs.
Ms. Ana Krušić welcomed the participants on behalf of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and pointed out that RYCO is a partnership that transcends borders because the OSCE Mission recognizes how important the inclusion of young people in the region is, representing a key factor of peace and stability.
“Today we are here to provide support to you, the potential RYCO beneficiaries, so you can independently prepare proposals, learn from each other and try to solve existing challenges in your respective communities. I wish you successful work and good luck with your projects”, said Ms. Krušič.
On the last day of the training, Ms. Siv-Kartine Leirtroe, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, addressed the participants and thus concluded another successfully implemented Training.
Ms Leirtroe took the opportunity to greet the participants after the three-day training session, which purpose was to provide the skills and necessary tools for writing successful projects. “On behalf of the Mission, I would like to thank you for your participation and dedication throughout the workshops and wish you all the best for future projects. I would also like to thank trainers for the support and knowledge they provided during the Training”, Ms. Leirtroe concluded.