
Young people are facing mental health problems at an increased rate, and this issue has been particularly exacerbated with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Seeing the increased presence of such problems among their peers and the lack of due care from their parents and institutions, young people are encouraged to start tackling these problems

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WESTERN BALKANS  –  A new podcast is bringing to the Western Balkan youth insightful discussions on the beautiful nature of the region and hiking. It is created by young journalist Rejdi Bodlli, who took part in the RYCO supported Program for Young Journalists within the framework of the advocacy project “A Better Region Starts with

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BELGRADE  – Representatives of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Belgrade, RYCO LBO Program Officer Ms Bojana Zimonjić and LBO Program Assistant Mr Đorđo Cvijović met with young people in Serbia to discuss RYCO’s work and opportunities for involvement of youth in regional projects within a study visit organized separately by the Civic Initiatives on

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TIRANA – Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka participated in the final round of selection of the Albanian Youth Delegates to the United Nations (UN) program, implemented by United Nation Association Albania and held on 14 July. The event was the finalization of a tough application process that lasted almost

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OHRID – Supported by RYCO within the fourth Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the European Union, the Institute of Romani Culture in Albania – IRCA and the Institute for Research and Policy analysis ROMALITICO from North Macedonia organized a summer camp within the project “Promoting Intercultural Understanding, Reconciliation and Acceptance”. The summer camp

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OTESHEVO/PRESPA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Albert Hani delivered a keynote speech at the 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue within the Youth Forum “Grassroots Youth Voices for Bringing the Region Closer Together” organized in Oteshevo, North Macedonia on Thursday, 1 July 2021. In his speech, RYCO Secretary General said that the young people are the biggest

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PODGORICA – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović met with the German Ambassador to Montenegro Mr Robert Weber on 16 June 2021. The meeting took place at the premises of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Podgorica and focused on the cooperation between RYCO and the German Embassy, RYCO organizational strengthening

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KOSOVO* – RYCO Local Branch Office in Kosovo in partnership with the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, invites young journalists and students of journalism to participate in a training and mentoring program on “Intercultural Dialogue and Transitional Journalism”. This program aims to strengthen and improve the skills and knowledge of young journalists in Kosovo in the

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BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA – The Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), in cooperation with the Civil Peace Service Forum (ZFD) and USAID project PRO-Future, have successfully implemented the special edition of the project ”In Youth Eyes: WESTERN BALKANS YOUTH TEAM” which gathered youth from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia.

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