Local Branch Office Pristina

ROME/WESTERN BALKANS – The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is proud to convene the EU-Balkan Youth Forum next 22-26 November in Rome, gathering students from all over Europe to discuss the common challenges of the future of Europe and full membership of Balkan countries. Organized with the lead of the Regional Cooperation

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True Democracies Need Youth

WESTERN BALKANS – September 15 is celebrated as the International Day of Democracy after being established in 2007 through a resolution passed by the United Nations General Assembly. This day aims to encourage governments and societies to strengthen efforts and policies that promote and consolidate democracy. It also highlights that stronger democracy needs the participation

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A successful cooperation between France and the Western Balkans to enhance social and solidarity economy at the European level A press conference was organized by the French Embassy to Serbia at the French Institute in Belgrade on Wednesday, 8 September 2021. On this occasion, the French Development Agency (AFD), the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO),

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BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA/KOSOVO*/MONTENEGRO/NORTH MACEDONIA/SERBIA –  Supported by RYCO within the fourth Open Call for Project Proposals co-financed by the European Union, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia (Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji) in partnership with the Center for Peace and Tolerance Pristina and Democracy Plus from Kosovo, (Grammar school “Slobodan Skerovic”)

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If your passion is hiking and you want to visit the mountains of Kosovo one day, then you better speak with Xhemil Veliu and listen to his experiences and suggestions. Xhemil Veliu, a medical school student and a hiking enthusiast from Kosovo, reveals the best mountain destinations that are suitable for the development of this

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The coronavirus pandemic caused tremendous changes in our everyday life, so it affected each one of us. It affected daily life, working area, culture, cinemas, etc. Besides all the obstacles and barriers, the jubilee 20 edition of Dokufest finally occurred. Prizren’s biggest annual cultural event, the short film and documentary festival, Dokufest usually gathers tourists

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Betim Bregovina, a visually impaired individual from Obiliq/Obilić, has four university degrees but cannot find a job. His personal story gives an inspiring message to people with disabilities, while it shows that full integration of all communities in the society has a long way to go.    Betim Bregovina, a 34-year-old from Obiliq/Obilić often starts his

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What do young people in the Western Balkans think about the society they live in? With conflict in the not-so-distant past, peace and social cohesion are real issues present in their everyday lives. Our just published regional study Shared Futures: Youth Perceptions on Peace in the Western Balkans, shares views from more than 5,400 young people

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WESTERN BALKANS – Each 12 August marks the celebration of the International Youth Day, designated by the United Nations (UN) in 1995 and first observed in 2000. This day recognizes the promise and power of young people to improve their communities. It also celebrates young people’s contributions as catalysts for peace and prosperity not only

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