Invitation to Tender for Design and Creation of Digital Youth Platform

WESTERN BALKANS – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) is inviting tenderers to submit their offers for creation of a digital youth platform.

RYCO is planning to finalize a contract with a Specialized service provider which is experienced in developing web applications and/or web based platforms. The platform’s main functions will be to promote the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation between the youth in the region through youth exchange programs; showcasing and disseminating RYCO’s activities and advocacy promote interaction and collaboration among key users of the site, promoting the work to stakeholders.

RYCO is realizing this activity within a project supported by the Federal Republic of Germany.

Deadline for submitting tenders: 24 October 2020, 05.00 PM 

Read more by clicking the buttons below.

Invitation to Tender


UPDATE 21/10/2020

A candidate has requested clarification from RYCO. The questions were: (1) Could you please confirm if the Service Tender Submission Form should be fulfilled by each partner of consortium one Service Tender Submission Form or it should be filled one (1) form of the Service tender Submission Form from all partners, in case we apply as consortium? (2) Could you please confirm if the Tender’s Statement should be fulfilled by each partner of the consortium one Tenderer’s Statement or it should be filled one (1) form of the Tenderer’s Statement from all partners, in case we apply as a consortium? (3) Could you please confirm which document should be fulfilled by each partner, in case we apply as consortium? (4) Having in mind that we are operating in Prishtina and according to the laws in the export of services (such as this one) for abroad, the invoice should be provided without VAT. Can we sent our offer without VAT and change the paragraph from „In my offer expenses associated with rendering the services, VAT, and all applicable taxes are included“ to „In my offer expenses associated with rending the services, and all applicable taxes are included, not including VAT“? (5) Referring to your request on page 3 out of 7 in Terms of Reference, Develop Hybrid and Native Mobile Applications for Phones and Tablets (Android & IOS) based on specifications, Since they will be used for the same purpose, the application for android and IOS should be developed both as a hybrid and as a native or is it enough just a hybrid or only a native? (6) Do we have to include hosting services. And if yes, for how long?

Answers: (1) We confirm that only one (1) from all partners can fulfill Service tender Submission Form, as a leader of consortium. (2) We confirm that only one (1) from all partners, can fulfill Tenderer’s Statement, as a leader of consortium. (3) We confirm that only one (1) from all partners, can act as leader of the consortium, fulfilling all documents. (4) We confirm that you can submit your offer without VAT, but you should specify the reason why VAT is not included in the offer, for the sake of transparency of evaluating the offers and comparing them to others. (5) It’s enough to develop only one, preferable a hybrid one. (6) Yes. For one (1) year.

UPDATE 19/10/2020

A candidate has requested clarification from RYCO. The question was:  In order to create an accurate project proposal and design layout, it would be useful to have more documentation/explanation about the sections on the website/mobile and features itself.

Answer: The new digital youth platform should be something like a modern news portal for young people (15-25) with everyday info on different opportunities for young people in Western Balkans (calls for conferences, training, projects, grants, etc.), stories of successful youth/youth organizations/teachers, etc. who are active in regional youth cooperation, in the creation of joint intercultural projects; but also with interesting/educational info about WB6 (places, people, culture, music, nature, touristic destinations, etc.), and with direct links with other RYCO products for youth (, and in the near future Route WB Volunteers Platform).

The portal will be in English, but also with special tabs on WB6 contracting parties. It should be interactive (possibility for people to comment, add their inputs) with user-friendly integration of video format (YouTube, IG stories, TikTok). At the moment RYCO is organizing youth consultations and surveys through which there will be more elements of the content of the platform. This overview will be used for the final joint design with the selected company. Other key characteristics: shareability (easy to share info), user-friendly (especially for the target group), adjusted for mobile phones, tablets, desktop computers, easy to admin, etc. Well-defined requirements will be described in detail, at a later stage, as well as the user journey map – after we select a service provider based on further defined criteria.

Hereby, the perspective service provider must provide the arbitrary methodology to be used for developing the web platform, the details for each stage, together with a preliminary working plan and milestones of completion of the task, in order to demonstrate the full capability to provide the Services and deliver the deliverables. The methodology should prove that perspective contractor of services possesses and demonstrates abilities to create and design visual and digital content, being able to convey and present products in an engaging manner for varied audiences, with work experience and demonstrated abilities to design layouts for targeted audiences. The proposed methodology of the selected contractor may be discussed and rearranged in order to align with the inputs submitted by focus group sessions after the contractor is selected.

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