RYCO at Human Rights Youth Forum in Tirana

TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša, together with RYCO Local Branch Officer in Albania Mr Kreshnik Loka, participated in the Human Rights Forum in Tirana on Monday.

RYCO Secretary General presented the organization and the process of its establishment after which he said that the establishment of RYCO is one of the most positive outcomes that happened to the youth of the Western Balkans. He explained that youth exchanges have multiple effects in societies because of the fact that after the youngsters go through an exchange they pass their experiences to other people such as their friends and parents. By saying that Mr Blanuša called the participants of the Human Rights Forum to be activists in their local communities and spread the word about their experiences.

On the other hand, RYCO Local Branch Officer in Tirana Mr Loka highlighted the importance of youth exchanges. He said that they are important not only for their participants but as well for their organizers who can learn from them and make their projects more successful. Mr Loka said that those projects are a good example of cooperation in the region and concluded that it is important to have similar initiatives as much as possible.

The Human Rights Youth Forum is organized by the World Youth Wave, CSO in partnership with the Union of Secondary Students of Serbia, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, the European Youth Association from Albania and Mjaft! Movement from Albania. The project is organized within the framework of the OSCE Mission to Serbia’s project: Enhancing regional connectivity among Serbian and Albanian youth actors. The main objective of the forum is to educate 40 participants in the area of human rights protection and enable them to develop inter-personal skills in several fields such as argumentation, reaching consensus, public speaking, problem analysis, problem solving, research methods, as well as the intercultural and interreligious dialogue and working in a multicultural environment. Moreover, the participants are expected to become multipliers in their local setting by sharing gained knowledge, experience and skills through peer-to-peer education and follow-up activities.


Photo: Humans of Albania and Serbia

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