RYCO Discusses European and Regional Policies for Youth Cooperation

TIRANA – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša participated in the Regional Thematic Network Forum and Annual Conference organized in Tirana on Tuesday within the project Regional Youth Compact for Europe. The participants discussed European and regional policies for youth cooperation while attending the event’s first panel discussion.

Mr Blanuša highlighted that it is good that such a discussion is being held in Tirana at the moment since the city applied to be the European Youth Capital in 2022, but also because it hosts two important regional cooperation mechanisms – RYCO and the Western Balkans Fund (WBF) which was also represented in the event by the organization’s Executive Director Mr Gjergj Murra.

After giving a short overview of the RYCO’s establishment process, he pointed out that there is a clear need for people to people connectivity in the Western Balkans but also for a higher involvement of the young people in decision-making processes.

“RYCO is one of the rare organizations that have the young people in its highest decision-making body – the Governing Board. We strongly believe that young people should take an active role in such processes,” Mr Blanuša underlined.

He also shared figures on the youth mobility in the region which are quite low, as he said, and pointed out that this is also one of the reasons for the organization’s establishment. He pointed out that young people are willing to be part of such processes and concluded that young people are showing this willingness at various regional youth events.


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