RYCO Gathers Its Governing Board Youth Representatives  

TIRANA – The joint meeting of previous and current RYCO Governing Board Youth Representatives took place on Tuesday in Tirana, Albania when they got updated on the current state of play of the RYCO’s activities by the organization’s secretariat but also worked on peer mentoring and transfer of knowledge related to the work of the highest decision-making body of RYCO.

The meeting served as an opportunity for youth representatives to meet with RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša and RYCO Deputy Secretary General Mr Fatos Mustafa and discuss challenges, achievements and experience gained in the work of the RYCO Governing Board over the last three years.

Mr Blanuša underlined the achieved results of the Secretariat during 2019 highlighting successful cooperation with Youth Representatives in the past period. He also presented RYCO plans and programs for the upcoming period.

The meeting was attended by five first-mandate-serving RYCO Governing Board Youth Representatives Ms Milica Skiljević from Serbia, Ms Dafina Peci from Albania, Mr Dimitrije Jovićević from Montenegro, Mr Arianit Jashari from Kosovo*, Mr Vladimir Gjorgjevski from North Macedonia, together with the recently-appointed Governing Board Youth Representatives Ms Andrea Mićanović from Montenegro and Mr Marko Kostić from Serbia.

The meeting allowed the participants to discuss the role of youth in the RYCO Governing Board, as well as to work on peer mentoring and transfer of knowledge from the first mandate.

At the very end of the meeting, RYCO Secretary General handed out special gifts to the first-mandate-serving RYCO Governing Board Youth Representatives.

In the upcoming period, RYCO Governing Board will get newly elected Youth Representatives of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and North Macedonia. RYCO Governing Board presents a unique intergovernmental body that equally includes Youth Representatives from the six RYCO Contracting Parties in the decision-making process where young people are having an equal say as the governmental representatives.


*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence

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