SARAJEVO – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Berina Bukva held a strategic dialogue meeting with relevant stakeholders working in the field of youth policy on Friday in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting is one of the activities that was announced in Strategic Conference in Macedonia and it is continuation of the ongoing RYCO strategic planning process.
The participants of this meeting were stakeholders from Bosnia and Herzegovina working in the fields of youth, formal and non-formal education. Representatives of the Delegation of the EU in BiH and Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH were present as well.
Youth Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the RYCO Governing Board Ms Danijela Topić addressed the participants and welcomed them to the work meeting. Ms Bukva presented the RYCO strategic planning process and highlighted few important segments on the Strategic Plan, on which the participants were invited to give their feedbacks. Later, they were invited in working groups where they discussed several segments and actively contributed and validated the RYCO strategic process.
The participants appreciated the opportunity to be included in this process from the beginning and they extremely value the approach that RYCO is nurturing from the beginning of its work.
The collected inputs will be used together with the inputs from the other RYCO Contracting Parties to further develop the RYCO Strategic Plan 2019-2021.
The RYCO Strategic Planning process is supported the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United State.