SARAJEVO – On 13-20 August 2021, the Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Forum Civil Peace Service – forumZFD and the USAID project PRO-Future have implemented a special project activity “In Youth Eyes: Western Balkans Youth Team”. The seven-day activity gathered 25
read moreSARAJEVO – As the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its largest urban, cultural, economic, and traffic center, Sarajevo is one of the most historically interesting cities in Europe. At the mention of Sarajevo, the first things that come to mind are ćevapi and Turkish coffee, but Sarajevo is much more than that. The city
read moreSARAJEVO – The European Youth Olympic Festival started in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on Sunday. As the official partner of EYOF volunteers’, YOUNG PR Team from Western Balkans gathered and is currently in Sarajevo as volunteers of EYOF 2019. A special project within the EYOF 2019 – “In Youth Eyes” – is joint cooperation of
read moreSARAJEVO – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Berina Bukva held a strategic dialogue meeting with relevant stakeholders working in the field of youth policy on Friday in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The meeting is one of the activities that was announced in Strategic Conference in Macedonia and it is continuation of
read moreSARAJEVO – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša attended the 34th meeting of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Board on Thursday in Sarajevo where he presented RYCO and its activities. The presentation of our organization was a regular part of the meeting dedicated to the presentation of other regional initiatives and cooperation structures. Mr Blanuša pointed out that the
read moreSARAJEVO – Regional Youth Cooperation Office is ambitious project and good mechanism for youth cooperation and networking in the Western Balkans and it could make great results as the Franco-German Youth Office did, it was concluded during the visit and meeting to the RYCO Local Branch Office in BiH between BiH Minister of Civil Affairs
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