KOSOVO/MONTENEGRO/SERBIA – Within the second RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, co-financed by the UN Peacebuilding Fund, Gymnasium “Stojan Cerovic” in Montenegro, in partnership with Association “OMNIMI” in Serbia and NGO “Mbeshtetja” in Kosovo, implemented the “Rewind to the future” project, which took place from December 2019 to November 2020. The project gathered youth from
read moreWESTERN BALKANS – As the year draws to its end, it is time to look back and reflect on our work done for and with youth in the region, as well as on future plans and efforts. 2020 brought many challenges and impacted our work greatly. The developments of the COVID-19 pandemic trembled established certainties
read morePRISTINA/PODGORICA/BELGRADE – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) concluded the organization of a series of national annual events across the region aiming to present its achievements in 2020 and plans for the upcoming year. The events were organized within a regional campaign A Better Region Starts with YOUth supported by the Federal Republic of Germany.
read morePODGORICA – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović met with the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Aleksa Bečić in Podgorica last Friday. The meeting discussed possibilities for further strengthening of the cooperation between the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro and the Parliament of Montenegro in the
read moreALBANIA/BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA/MONTENEGRO/SERBIA – Within the second RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, co-financed by the UN Peacebuilding Fund, the Center for environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina in partnership with Streets for cyclists in Belgrade, Bajkultura in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Biciklo.me in Montenegro and GO2 in Albania, implemented the project “From sustainable mobility to sustainable
read morePODGORICA – Head of RYCO Local Branch Office in Montnegro Mr Edin Koljenović met with Vice President of the Government of Montenegro Mr Dritan Abazović on Tuesday in Podgorica. The goal of the meeting was to present RYCO’s achievements since its establishment within the Berlin Process in 2016 and to discuss possibilities for future cooperation
read moreWESTERN BALKANS – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović participated in the online event “Rethinking the role of youth in the EU integration of the Western Balkans: Building resilience by investing in qualifications and skills” organized by the Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) on Tuesday, 15 December. The event served
read moreMONTENEGRO/SERBIA – Supported by RYCO and the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund through the second RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals, Vocational School for Trade, Tourism and Catering “Sergije Stanić” in Montenegro, together with Kulturno-umjetničko društvo “Željezničar” in Montenegro and JU Ekonomska srednja škola “Bosa Milićević” in Serbia, implemented the project “A Step Forward”, which took
read morePODGORICA – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro Mr Edin Koljenović met with representatives of the recently established national Youth Network in Montenegro Mr Miloš Marković and Ms Andrijana Radović on Tuesday, when they discussed possibilities for future cooperation. Mr Koljenović expressed his congratulations on the establishment of the Youth Network as
read morePLJEVLJA – RYCO Local Branch Office in Montenegro, supported by the French Embassy in Montenegro, organized the second Intercultural Youth Hub, which took place in Pljevlja from 6 to 8 November. The event brought together twelve young people from Montenegro, belonging to different ethnic, national and religious groups, to work on their intercultural skills and
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