TIRANA/BRUSSELS – The European Union has awarded €500.000 for a new two-year Regional Youth Cooperation Office’s (RYCO) project, which will enhance youth mobility, youth cooperation and youth activism in the Western Balkans thereby supporting the process of reconciliation in the region. The project activities will contribute to increasing levels of youth participation, but also raising
read moreSARAJEVO – The European Youth Olympic Festival started in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on Sunday. As the official partner of EYOF volunteers’, YOUNG PR Team from Western Balkans gathered and is currently in Sarajevo as volunteers of EYOF 2019. A special project within the EYOF 2019 – “In Youth Eyes” – is joint cooperation of
read moreWESTERN BALKANS – As the world marks the very first International Day of Education, we want to underline that it is clear that young people who are more exposed to civic education programs have different attitudes and behaviors than less educated young people, and than older generations. Empirical evidence shows that these attitudes and behaviors change
read moreLJUBLJANA – Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Miro Cerar met the representatives of the Youth Council of Slovenia on Tuesday when they discussed Slovenian cooperation with the Western Balkans youth, the Ministry announced in a press release. RYCO welcomes the discussion and reiterates the importance of including the young people from the whole post-Yugoslav
read morePODGORICA – Youth Exchange as Motor for Regional Cooperation conference is taking place in Podgorica, Montenegro. The conference, organized by RYCO in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, aims to discuss the results of the Berlin Process with a special focus on the youth cooperation. The event gathered ambassadors, MPs, representatives of international organizations
read moreBRUSSELS – RYCO Secretary General Mr Đuro Blanuša participated in the EU-Western Balkans Summit organized by the Friends of Europe on Tuesday. The event addressed the political, economic and social issues that affect the Balkans. Mr Blanuša took part in the session entitled Bridging or Fuelling Divides: The Role of Media and Grassroots Organisations. The
read moreSARAJEVO – The European Union recognizes the regional cooperation in the Western Balkans as one of the priorities in the region. In order to promote and improve cooperation possibilities and reconciliation between the young people in the region, the EU Info Center in Sarajevo, in cooperation with RYCO and Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia
read moreSARAJEVO – The eight meeting of the RYCO Governing Board took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on Thursday. The meeting discussed the quarterly report of the RYCO Secretariat, the second Open Call for Project Proposals as well as the further institutional development of the organization. Throughout its work, the Governing Board continues to exercise
read moreTIRANA – RYCO, in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Tirana, is hosting the regional meeting of representatives of national news agencies and media outlets from the Western Balkans in Tirana on 26 – 28 November with the aim of creating new possibilities for regional media cooperation. Exploring new opportunities for the news agencies
read moreBERLIN – Fifty young people from the Western Balkans met young people from Germany, France and the European Union, as well as from the EU accession candidates and the EU’s Southern and Eastern neighbors and discussed topics like war and peace together as part of an international, intercultural meeting that was held in Berlin from
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