Local Branch Office Skopje

SKOPJE – During March, the RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia in cooperation with the Peace Corps North Macedonia implemented the Youth Leadership Training series aimed at enhancing personal development skills of young people. Twenty-seven participants of different backgrounds coming from different geographical surroundings have successfully completed the training, conducted online. The program consisted

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OHRID – The RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia and the OSCE Mission to Skopje organized four-day training for RYCO senior management, Youth Representatives in the RYCO Governing Board and Heads of the RYCO Local Branch Offices. The training took place on 5-8 April in Ohrid. During the training, the RYCO staff and Youth

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SKOPJE – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia Mr Vladimir Gjorgjevski met with GIZ Director of Regional Programmes and Country Director for Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Natalija el Hage, Sector Fund Manager Open Regional Fund for SEE Modernisation of Municipal Services Mr Peter Wolf and GIZ Country Coordinator Ms Marija Joksimovska at

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WESTERN BALKANS – Since 2011, every 24 March marks the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims. This observance was established by the United Nations General Assembly to honor the memory of victims of gross and systematic human rights violations, as well as

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ROUTE WB6 Volunteer Caravan journey successfully concluded in Tirana WESTERN BALKANS – After a week of travelling throughout the region, conducting volunteering actions and meet-ups with RYCO Local Branch Offices, young activists and local volunteering organisations, the ROUTE WB6 Caravan on four wheels ended its journey in Tirana, Albania on Monday, 14 March. During these

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PODGORICA – As a part of the final stage of the ROUTE WB6 project, promoting youth mobility, volunteering and peacebuilding in the region, a creative and unique volunteer caravan, made up of fifty ROUTE WB6 volunteers, young journalists of the HAJDE platform and Young European Ambassadors (YEA) from all over the Western Balkans, started its

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SKOPJE – Head of the RYCO Local Branch Office in North Macedonia Mr Vladimir Gjorgjevski met with Representatives of the European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN) Mr Luka Krzalovski and Advisor of the Prime Minister of North Macedonia Mr Gjorgi Tasev to discuss opportunities for youth as part of the common vision of RYCO and EDYN to

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SKOPJE – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), through its Local Branch Office in North Macedonia, in cooperation with Peace Corps North Macedonia, invites interested young people to participate in an online training aimed at improving skills in the areas of leadership, communication, intercultural dialogue, active youth engagement, volunteering and conflict management. TRAINING OBJECTIVES: Strengthening

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