[Final List Updated]_RYCO Announces Preliminary List for its fifth Open Call “Ryconnecting You(th)”

Dear Applicants,

We would like to express our gratitude towards all of you who have shown interest and made efforts to take part in the fifth RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals.

This time, we received 137 project proposals which networked 363 partners from the Western Balkans. This encourages us to believe that there is real potential among the Western Balkans to make a real change in the region. Moreover, we believe that the need for regional youth cooperation, mobility, and exchange, as well as for creating an enabling environment for regional youth cooperation, is evident in the region. Therefore, we want to encourage all of you to keep working in these fields, bringing the young people of the region closer together and making the Western Balkans better for all of us.

Most importantly, our team values the work you have put into networking, creating new partnerships, and preparing your applications for two interesting areas:

Thematic Area 1: Peacebuilding and Reconciliation Thematic Area 2: Young empowerment and engagement in society

Moreover, we want to stay in touch with you. Thus, we invite you, if you have not done so already, to follow our website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts and subscribe to our mailing list, where you will be able to find all relevant information about our next open calls, but also the latest news from RYCO.

Please note that the below list is the final list of the supported projects which has been updated upon the completion of the final documentation check and the budget clearance procedures.

We appreciate your dedication to fostering regional cooperation and youth engagement in the Western Balkans. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to making a positive impact on the region.



Fifth OPEN CALL Final List


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