DURRËS – RYCO Deputy Secreatry General Mr Fatos Mustafa took part in the OSCE Regional Meeting of Heads of Field Operations in South-Eastern Europe on Wednesday when he presented our work and discussed the cooperation between RYCO and OSCE in the Western Balkans. The two-day-long meeting is hosted in Durrës by the OSCE Presence in Albania.
Mr Mustafa addressed the heads of the field operations in South-Eastern Europe during the panel discussion „Youth Connectivity: OSCE-RYCO co-operation“ when he presented the achieved results in our work since the organization became operational. He highlighted the RYCO Strategy development process as well as the first RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals and the awarded project ideas.
RYCO Deputy Secretary General also presented challenges and opportunities in the work of RYCO and concluded by thanking the OSCE field missions in the region for providing a substantial support to RYCO.
The event was attended by OSCE Secretary General Mr Thomas Greminger and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania Mr Ditmir Bushati, Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre Ambassador Marcel Pesko, as well as representatives of the Italian Chairmanship, representatives of the Troika.