SKOPJE – RYCO, with the support of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, is launching the open call for participation in the capacity building training for project design in the areas of youth mobility, cooperation and activism in the Western Balkans. The call is opened for less experienced representatives of the civil society organizations and secondary schools
read moreWESTERN BALKANS – Project promotes reconciliation, cooperation and better understanding in the region by bringing together 24 young people, 18-30 year-old, from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia. They will spend nine days together learning how to use film in educative and activist purpose, learn about and discuss joint Balkan traditions and shared
read moreNIKŠIĆ – REACT 2018 is open for participants, residents of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro, 19 – 30 year-old (no need to be students), scholars, researchers and experts working in think-tanks and academic institutions, practitioners, young members of political parties, etc. The project is supported by RYCO within its first Open
read moreWESTERN BALKANS – RYCO Local Branch Officers in the RYCO Contracting Parties’ capitals held the strategic dialogue meetings with relevant stakeholders working in the field of youth policy during the last week around the region. The meetings were the activities announced during the Strategic Conference (click here to read more) in Macedonia and it is
read moreSKOPJE – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Macedonia Mr Albert Hani held a strategic dialogue meeting with relevant stakeholders working in the field of youth policy on Tuesday in Skopje, Macedonia. RYCO is organizing a series of meetings with the local stakeholders in order to discuss the RYCO Strategic Plan and get more inputs for
read moreSKOPJE – Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) signed contracts on Friday in Skopje with four civil society organizations and high schools from Macedonia that got the support to organize the first youth exchange programs within the RYCO Open Call for Project Proposals. The representatives of the four organizations and high schools were addressed by Director
read moreSKOPJE – RYCO Local Branch Officer in Macedonia Mr Albert Hani met on Tuesday in Skopje with Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Macedonia H. E. Mr Jacek Multanowski when they discussed the possible ways of cooperation within the frame of the next year’s Berlin Process Summit that is going to be held in Warsaw, Poland.
read moreSTRUGA – Prime Minister of Macedonia Mr Zoram Zaev, Vice Prime Minister for European Affairs Mr Bujar Osmani and Vice Prime Minister for Economic Affair Mr Koco Andjusev, discussed the European future of Macedonia together with its youth in Struga on Friday. The event entitled “Youth MK-EU, Possibilities without Borders” was organized by RYCO, Struga Municipality Community Center
read moreSKOPJE – Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) launched its Strategic Planning Conference today in Skopje. The conference gathers more than hundred representatives of the civil societies of the region, governmental representatives as well as representatives of the regional and international institutions. The three-day-long conference will serve as a platform for development of the RYCO Strategic
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