Podgorica – The high temperature didn’t stop us from working hard this week. After a long break, Hajde students from the region gathered in Podgorica at the training about digital journalism, disinformation, and fact-checking, organized by RYCO thanks to financial support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
During the three days of training held by amazing and experienced trainers Semir Mujkic and Nino Bilajic from BIRN Bosnia and Hercegovina, students learned forms of digital journalism and how to use them, how to recognize disinformation campaigns and how to fact-check their stories. Trainers provided theoretical knowledge, but the main focus was on good examples from real media and practical exercises.
Besides gaining new professional skills, participants also learned more about RYCO topics such as peacebuilding, reconciliation, and intercultural learning, thanks to the RYCO Program Officer from Bosnia and Hercegovina Nadira Curulija, who had a lecture last day of the training.
The Hajde platform is RYCO’s long-term media tool, dedicated to the promotion of topics, opportunities, and events important for youth and their cooperation in the region. RYCO launched the platform in December 2021, with the goal of inspiring young people to further seize their opportunities and embrace positive change within their communities. So far, 10 faculties of journalism in the Western Balkans 6 (WB6) actively cooperate via the platform, including students who were creating content and professors who were mentoring them, under the supervision of RYCO.