Local Branch Office Sarajevo

100 schools from the region conclude a successful chapter of collaboration Sarajevo – More than 100 students and teachers from the region gathered this week, in the vibrant city of Sarajevo, to mark the successful finalization of the 2nd cycle of the Superschools Program. RYCO Superschools Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme aims to support the

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Sarajevo – In Sarajevo, we recently organized the inaugural YPS MeetUp event, bringing together our colleagues, as well as representatives from non-governmental organizations and international institutions who share a common vision of creating a peaceful and secure environment for young people. The primary focus of this gathering was to introduce and delve into the Youth,

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Sarajevo – In celebration of International Youth Day, a global array of events is being organised to shed light on the multifaceted challenges faced by young people worldwide, encompassing legal, environmental, economic, social, educational, and cultural dimensions. In the heart of Sarajevo, a dynamic gathering titled “You(th) Can Lead” took center stage last night, organised

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[Sarajevo, 26/05/2023] – The High School for Traffic and Communications in Sarajevo, together with the Technical School from Pirot, organized the Day of Sports and Culture, gathering close to 100 students and professors. The event was organized as part of the school-to-school exchange program called Superschools, which aims to support the processes of peacebuilding and

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Minister for Federal and European Affairs and Representative of the State of Hesse to the Federal Government of Germany Lucia Puttrich and her colleagues visited RYCO Local Brunch Office in Bosnia and Hercegovina, together with Bernhard Abels, Deputy Ambassador to the German Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Minister expressed interest and strong support to

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SARAJEVO – The Regional Youth Cooperation Office’s (RYCO) – Local Branch Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) organized the introductory event “Meet the Superschools of Bosnia and Herzegovina” in Sarajevo on February 2nd, 2023 in the framework of the Superschools Exchange Programme. The meeting gathered the 19

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SARAJEVO – On 11th of October 2022, Regional Youth Cooperation Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized a visit to the school for blind and visually impaired children. The GIZ officials, Dr. Michaela Baur, the director for Europe, Mediterranean and Central Asia, and Mr. Daniel Passon, Head of Division visited the school as part their visit

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Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina – In the framework of the EU Western Balkan Students Integration project, the Electrical Engineering STudents’ European association organized its first three-day Regional Workshop in collaboration with EESTEC Tuzla and EESTEC Novi Sad in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 26-28 September 2022. Nearly 20 students from the region gathered to discuss more

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